Arturo Di Corinto

Public Affairs and Communication Advisor, National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN), Italy

Arturo Di Corinto Public Affairs and communication advisor, National Cybersecurity Agency of Italy Researcher and teacher in cognitive and communication psychology, graduated in Rome, he specialized in persuasion technologies at Stanford University, California. Author at Treccani, journalist, specialized in innovation and cybersecurity, he has published 2300 journalistic articles for national newspapers working for Il Sole24Ore, Wired and L'Espresso, Il Manifesto and La Repubblica. Reporter for the Rai Uno television program “Codice. All life is digital”, he is also an author and television presenter. Arturo Di Corinto has written 46 publications with ISBN and several books, including Hacktivism (2002, Manifestolibri), Revolution OS II (2006, Apogeo/Feltrinelli), I nemici della rete (2010, Rizzoli), Un dizionario hacker (2014, Manni), Il futuro Trent’anni fa (2017), Riprendiamoci la rete! Piccolo manuale di autodifesa digitale per giovani generazioni (Eurilink, 2019). Professor of Digital Identity, Privacy and Cybersecurity in the faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication at the Sapienza University of Rome, he is currently part of the Institutional Affairs, External Relations and Communication Division of the National Cybersecurity Agency.

Leonardo and Accenture