Exploring the Old City of Jerusalem
Breakfast at the hotel
Pickup from your hotel or rendezvous point
Drive to Jerusalem
Start the day with a stunning overlook of the entire city of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives observation point. We will drive to the highest spot of the mountain and observe the Old City from the eastern hill, then cross over to the other side and enjoy the dramatic view of the Judean Desert
Visit the Western Wall, an ancient part of the Temple. It is believed that if you write your wishes on a note and put it between the heavy rocks of the wall, your desires will be heard by God himself. Many Israelis come here all year round to seek guidance, help for their troubles, the cure for their loved ones and most importantly, happiness and success in the marriage life
Tour Ir David (City of David). Explore the most ancient known part of Jerusalem, see the newly excavated parts including the underground section, and walk through Hezekiah's Tunnel. The tour is approximately 2 hours long, and most of the tour is in water up to your waist, so prepare to get wet (yet there is also an option for a dry tour)
Lunch at a local restaurant (included)
Enjoy a mixed culture and religion tour - tour the Old City’s Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Armenian quarters, and learn about the fascinating history that lies in each and every stone, nook and cranny. See up close how everyone lives side by side
Head back to Tel Aviv
Group of 7-15 - $335 per person
Private tour- $1050 one person (extra $73 per person up to 6 pp)
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