CEO and General Director, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI), Italy
Gianpiero Strisciuglio Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana since May 2023 He graduated with honors in Transport Engineering from Politecnico di Bari and obtained a second-level Master’s degree from Università Parthenope in Naples. Since 2001, he has been registered with Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri. In 2002, he began his career in Gruppo FS, gradually taking on increasingly significant managerial roles. From 2013 to 2014, he was responsible for Planning and Service Development in Rete Ferroviaria Italiana. From 2014 to 2017 he held the role of Director of Commercial and Operations in RFI. From 2017 to 2018, he was Director of the Long Haul Passenger Division at Trenitalia. From 2018 to April 2022, he held the position of Director of Strategy, Industrial Planning, Innovation & Sustainability at Mercitalia Logistics S.p.A. In April 2022, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Mercitalia Logistics S.p.A., a position he held until May 2023. In the past, he has held additional roles such as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TX Logistik; President and CEO of AFA Autostrada Ferroviaria Alpina Torino; Member of the Board of Directors of Mercitalia Shunting & Terminal and Alpe Adria; Member of the Executive Council of FERMERCI; CEO of Quadrante Europa Terminal Gate; Member of the Board of Directors of Strutture Trasporto Alto Adige – STA. He currently holds the role of President of AGENS – Agenzia Confederale dei Trasporti e Servizi (Confindustria) and President of CIFI – Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani.