CTO, Cyber & Security Solutions Division, Leonardo, Italy
Professional experience: • Director of the ICT structure of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with responsibility for functional divisions which support the IT processes of the dependent structures. • Head of the Research and Development division, with which agreements have been signed between industry (Leonardo SpA, etc.) and academia (all the main universities and national research centers) to enhance the methods of coordination and integration between the public and private sectors. • Responsible for significant financing of European funded projects, including: - SPANCIP Semantic Predictive Algorithm Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection 2012; - TITAN Highly effective investigative tools and techniques for tracing and interdicting terrorist financial networks 2014. - C-DARTA Carrier-DAta Retrivial Tools for Analysis 2014 - SNAPSHOT Social Network discovery 2015 - CYCLOP Cyber analytics big data platform 2016 • Sales Manager of Sistemi & Automazione S.r.l. in Rome, supporting solutions for investigative and intelligence activities • Business Development Manager in the security and intelligence sector for government clients, and business intelligence consultant for the offices in Rhode Island and California (USA), supporting corporate organisations and government agencies. • Director of the Law-enforcement Commercial Area of CM Sistemi S.p.a. and responsible for the national investigation support program for the structures of the State Police • Head of the I.T. at the Department of Public Security, Prevention Police Central Directorate for investigative and information support • Head of the Ministry of the Interior’s “InfoPolfer” Project, relating to the computerization of the Railway Police Service of the Ministry and of the Railway Police Departments. Dr Massimo provided expert consultancy to support the creation of an information system that would allow the acquisition and management of investigative data in real time. Law Graduate from the University of Naples, specializing in civil litigation. Qualified to practice in the legal profession.